«Mesto pamiati» v sisteme politicheskikh koordinat: sluchai Kaliningradskoi oblasti | The Site of Memory in the System of Political Co-Ordinates: Case Study of Kaliningrad Oblast
Volume 23 (2011): Daugiareikšmės tapatybės tarpuerdvėse: Rytų Prūsijos atvejis XIX–XX amžiais = Ambiguous Identities in the Interspaces: The Case of East Prussia in the 19th and 20th Centuries = Die vieldeutigen Identitäten in den Zwischenräumen: Der Fall Ostpreußen…, pp. 234–252
Pub. online: 28 November 2011
Type: Article
Open Access
28 November 2011
28 November 2011
The article analyzes the mechanisms of institutionalization of the collective memory of regional identity, as its significant dimension, and assesses discursive strategies used by different politicians. The author discloses the principal elements of the regional identity in the Soviet period and analyzes the practices of collective memory and historical consciousness in the period of 1945 to 1990. The relationship of the history policies of the Soviet period and the contemporary political processes is demonstrated.