Animal tooth pendants from Spiginas and Donkalnis as instigators of a discussion on technological traditions, intergroup exchange and mobility in the early and middle Holocene in Central and northeastern Europe
Grzegorz Osipowicz, Giedrė Piličiauskienė, Gytis Piličiauskas, Justyna Orłowska
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
Volume 57
p. 104588
Human palaeodiet at Zamostje 2, central Russia: Results of radiocarbon and stable isotope analyses
John Meadows, Olga Lozovskaya, Manon Bondetti, Dorothée G. Drucker, Vyacheslav Moiseyev
Quaternary International
Volume 541
p. 89
Human-beaver cohabitation in the Early and Mid-Holocene of Northern Europe: Re-visiting Mesolithic material culture and ecology through a multispecies lens
Shumon T. Hussain, Nathalie Ø. Brusgaard
The Holocene
Volume 34,
Issue 1
p. 25
More Than Just Zvejnieki: An Overview of Latvian Stone Age Burials
Aija Macāne, Kerkko Nordqvist
European Journal of Archaeology
Volume 24,
Issue 3
p. 299
Stone axes throw new light on Baltic stone age mortuary rites
Anđa Petrović, Aija Macāne, Ivars Strautnieks, Laimdota Kalniņa, Elisabeth Holmqvist, Emily M. Hunter, Diederik Pomstra, Helen Goodchild, Ana Harto Villén, Ilga Zagorska, Mark Edmonds, Kerkko Nordqvist, Aimée Little
Scientific Reports
Volume 14,
Issue 1
Towards understanding the influence of Neolithisation for communities using the Zvejnieki cemetery, Latvia: A technological and functional analysis of the osseous artefacts discovered in the Late Mesolithic burial no 57 and Neolithic burial no 164
Grzegorz Osipowicz, Justyna Orłowska, Ilga Zagorska
Quaternary International
Volume 665-666
p. 65
Two burials in a unique freshwater shell midden: insights into transformations of Stone Age hunter-fisher daily life in Latvia
Ute Brinker, Valdis Bērziņš, Aija Ceriņa, Guntis Gerhards, Mārcis Kalniņš, Ben Krause-Kyora, Harald Lübke, John Meadows, Dietmar Meinel, Kenneth Ritchie, Mudīte Rudzīte, Mari Tõrv, Ilga Zagorska, Ulrich Schmölcke
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Volume 12,
Issue 5