Nowadays, managing co-creation has become an important topic among practitioners and researchers, but there has been little research on addressing and managing the challenges faced by the complexity of co-creation. The paper argues that co-creation should also be understood as a complex, dynamic phenomenon. The purpose of the paper is to summarise and classify extant research into co-creation. The paper reviews complexity as a new way of understanding co-creation processes for corporate social responsibility in business. A review of the literature has established that corporate social responsibility, along with the complexity of co-creation, can produce successful results for businesses.
The relevance and importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) have long been recognised in the business sector. Previous research has shown that CSR has a positive impact on a company’s financial performance, value, reputation, brand image, customer loyalty, and a variety of other factors. CSR has been studied from a variety of viewpoints, with the bulk of studies focusing on the meso-level dimensions of CSR. The number of studies on micro-level CSR processes has so far been limited, but has recently increased. For CSR to be effective, it is necessary to understand the correlation of the processes on both levels. The purpose of the research is to investigate CSR micro-level processes and their impact on meso-level performance, with additional attention to the hospitality industry. Research methods: analysis of scientific publications, analysis of previously conducted research and results, and other scholarly literature. The results of this study indicate that the micro-level processes of the stakeholder groups involved, mostly customers and employees, have a direct impact on internal and external CSR initiatives and their meso-level outcomes, which might be both positive and negative. The results also indicate a possible research gap, as the number of studies on micro-level CSR processes in hospitality has so far been limited, and the findings cannot be considered exhaustive or conclusive.
The inclusion of the fight against climate change as a target of sustainability determines the need to adopt forceful measures to reduce the effects of climate change. The current situation allows us to see that in the near future its effects will be devastating and irreversible unless drastic measures are adopted imminently. This paper aims to evaluate the legal measures taken through Spanish law, framed in the legal context of the European Union, to assess their real effectiveness. The methods of the research are the scientific methodology of legal disciplines, mainly regulatory analysis and other legal instruments, as well as case law. The results obtained show that some specific actions have been adopted through formal and informal current regulations, but much more could still be done to enforce more drastic measures in the fight against climate change. In this sense, this paper makes some recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the measures taken with this purpose.
The Covid-19 pandemic brought changes to every country’s economy. The increasing number of cases, the lack of equipment and supplies, and the disruption of production and services, led to strong measures to stop the spread of the virus. The pandemic also had a significant impact on the stability of existing businesses. The announcement of lockdown and the resulting restrictions influenced consumer behaviour, and companies have had to adapt quickly to current changes in order to maintain economic security. The suspension or restriction of activities affected the income, profits and business continuity of companies. The main purpose of this article is to analyse how the Covid-19 pandemic affected the economic security of small and medium-size Lithuanian companies. What impact did the pandemic have on the Lithuanian economy and the business dynamics of organisations? Using research methods, scientific literature and statistical data, a comparative analysis was performed to assess the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Lithuanian organisations. Based on the results, Lithuania was the least affected by the pandemic in the context of the European Union. However, there was a lot of uncertainty at the beginning of 2021; but the economy grew faster than expected. The volume of industrial production increased, retail and international trade grew. Despite the pandemic, growth was maintained in the manufacturing, wholesale and retail sectors. The impact of the pandemic was felt most in the services sector: accommodation and food service activities, the arts, entertainment and recreation, service and administrative activities.
In an ever-changing world, the goals of education and the expectations of education policy makers, society and parents for the education system are also changing. Pre-school educational institutions need teachers with professional excellence and leadership skills who are constantly improving their competencies. In this context, the management of a teacher’s career is becoming a particularly important issue. In the management of a teacher’s career, not only the motivation of the teacher himself but also the role of the headmaster is very important in creating conditions and providing opportunities for the development of a teacher’s career. The article reveals the attitude of headmasters in pre-school educational institutions to the possibilities of pedagogue career management. It presents the results of qualitative research (interviews with headmasters in pre-school institutions), which revealed that headmasters understand the importance of teachers’ career management both for the teacher himself and for the quality of the institution’s activities. Some headmasters take care of a teacher’s career, creating conditions for improving competencies, and providing financial and psychological support. However, not all headmasters in pre-school institutions create favourable conditions for the development of a teacher’s career by delegating this function to the teacher himself.
Policininkų psichoemocinė būsena, jų patiriamo streso darbe ypatumai, streso valdymas yra aktualios visuomenės sveikatos problemos. Darbe patiriamas stresas gali lemti pareigūnų atliekamo darbo kokybės prastėjimą, prastą darbo funkcijų atlikimą. Straipsnyje keliamas tyrimo tikslas – policijos pareigūnų darbe patiriamo streso analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 138 Lietuvos komisariatų policijos pareigūnai. Atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, apklausa raštu. Naudota SPSS programa, taikytas chi kvadrato kriterijus. Duomenys reikšmingi, kai p ≤0,05. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad policijos pareigūnams reikėtų kurti palankesnę, saugesnę ir sveikesnę darbo aplinką, vis dar trūksta vadovų palaikymo ir pasitikėjimo jais.
The 21st century is identified in the country’s strategic documents as a century of rapid technological, climatic and economic change, and countries must not be afraid of innovation and knowledge of the world through information technology. According to strategic documents, the education of gifted children is also one of the country’s priorities. Gifted pre-school children need to develop and continuously improve their abilities, and the stimulation of these abilities can be enhanced by information and communication technologies. The article analyses the educational possibilities for gifted pre-school children using information communication technology, the characteristics of gifted pre-schoolers, and the possibilities for the identification of gifted pre-schoolers. The study suggests that gifted pre-school children are educated in an individualised way according to their needs, they are identified by their abilities which stand out from their peers, information communication technologies are used to diversify the education of gifted pre-school children, and that the biggest problem educators face while developing gifted children is the lack of information and the lack of communication tools.
Strategic documents (Description of Pre-school Children’s Achievements, 2014; State Strategy for Education in 2013–2022, 2014; Concept of Good School, 2015; Methodological Recommendations for Pre-school Education, 2015; etc) state the need to create conditions for children to actively work, investigate, create, discuss, and learn to solve problems, etc. This changes the classic approach to the quality and outcomes of pre-school education. The article analyses teachers’ attitudes towards the possibilities for applying active learning methods in developing children’s language skills at pre-school age. The findings of the qualitative research have revealed that pre-school teachers look for the most effective, child-friendly education methods and tools in order to ensure the success of children’s language education and their optimal achievements according to the children’s abilities. From a teacher’s point of view, pre-school children whose teachers apply active learning methods have the following opportunities for language education: to think creatively, experience the joy of education, take responsibility, investigate and solve problems, work in pairs and/or groups, learn to believe in themselves, use media, develop responsible media usage habits, etc. The findings of the research reveal that children’s language education possibilities using active learning methods are highly dependent on the teacher’s competencies, creativity and willingness to work in a different, non-traditional way.
Dirbtinis intelektas vis labiau skverbiasi į mokyklas ir edukacijos procesą. Tad svarbu nustatyti, kaip jis gali padėti tobulinti mokymo(si) procesą. Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiamos ir sisteminamos šiuolaikinės dirbtiniu intelektu paremtos edukacinės technologijos, atskleidžiant jų galimus privalumus ir trūkumus, kuriant personalizuotas mokymo(si) aplinkas. Siekiant išsikelto tikslo, taikytas mokslinės literatūros analizės metodas. Jo pagrindu skiriamos pagrindinės dirbtinio intelekto integravimo į edukacines technologijas tendencijos, jos išsamiai aptariamos. Teigiama, kad įvertinus dirbtinio intelekto privalumus ir galimybes edukacijoje, jis turėtų būti vertinamas kaip edukacijos praktiką transformuojantis procesas, kur būtina iš esmės persvarstyti pagrindinius vaidmenis. Svarbiausias efektyvaus dirbtinio intelekto naudojimo edukacijoje veiksnys – mokytojų raštingumas dirbtinio intelekto srityje.
The emotions impact every single process in an individual’s life. An analysis of the scientific works selected by a Google search based on the terms ‘emotions, Vygostky, Leontiev’ shows that the complexity of the topic is multiplied by the complexity, mixture and fragmentary nature of the approaches applied to the investigation of the emotions. The aim of this work is to revisit the works of Vygotsky and Leontiev relating to the emotions underpinning the identification of notions, features and functions of the emotions. A novel research methodology, the development of the system of external and internal perspectives, was implemented. The investigation into the emotions was based on the theories of Vygotsky and Leontiev: activity theory, law of development, psychological system, word meaning, concept formation, and the unity of language. The theoretical analysis resulted in the definition of notions, features and functions of the emotions. The limitations of the research were identified. Further research directions are proposed.