Užsitęsusios vasaros įmagnetinta rugsėjo penktosios naktis Rolandui Rastauskui buvo paskutinė. Ji nusinešė į savo tamsą nepakartojamąjį, kūrybinės energijos ir ateities sumanymų kupiną Rora, kuriam iki septyniasdešimtmečio tetrūko penkių savaičių. Pasiglemžė Jį be jokių įspėjimo ženklų, plėšriai ir įžūliai, nors, sako, paskutinį vakarą prašęs palikti buto duris nerakintas – maža kas... Rytą trenkė žinia, skelbianti mirties absurdo triumfą.
Leidinys „Prikelta atmintis: šimtmečio eksponatai“ (Mažosios Lietuvos istorijos muziejus, Klaipėda, 2024) sudarytas pažymint dvi reikšmingas istorines sukaktis: 2023 m. vykusį Klaipėdos krašto prijungimo prie Lietuvos 100-metį ir 2024 m. švenčiamą Mažosios Lietuvos istorijos muziejaus (toliau – MLIM) veiklos 100-metį. Įspūdingos apimties, turiningumo ir poligrafinės kokybės knygą, bendradarbiaudama su Klaipėdos krašto šeimomis, Lietuvos muziejais ir įvairių sričių tyrėjais bei praktikais, sudarė MLIM Etnografijos skyriaus vedėja dr. Aušra Žemyna Kavaliauskienė.
Pope John Paul II visited Lithuania on 4–8 September 1993. While visiting and praying at the Hill of Crosses, he said that he was here to reflect with believers on the cross of Christ and the treasures of truth and light that lie within it. The cross reveals ‘the power of God and the wisdom of God’ (1 Cor 1:24), and contains the essence of the Good News, which allows us to understand who God is and who man is. The Holy Father John Paul II gave 15 speeches during his visit to Lithuania. These speeches reveal that the cross is one of the most striking features of John Paul II’s message to Lithuania. Of the 15 speeches, eight mention the cross. The cross is referred to in the Holy Father’s sermon during Mass on the Hill of Crosses 37 times, in the prayers at Antakalnis Cemetery at the tombs of the martyrs of independence in Vilnius (1991) 16 times, in the Holy Father’s address to the clergy, religious and seminarians in the Cathedral of St Stanislaw in Vilnius seven times, at the meeting with young people of Lithuania at the Darius and Girėnas Stadium in Kaunas three times, in the sermon during the Liturgy of the Word in Šiluva two times, and once each in the sermon at Mass in Vingis Park, in the speech to the intelligentsia at St John’s Church at Vilnius University, and in the sermon during Mass at Santaka in Kaunas. In total, the cross is mentioned 68 times. This article presents features of the unveiling of the mystery of the cross in Pope John Paul II’s speeches: the cross is a sign of the Christian faith; the cross gives meaning to suffering; the cross is a source of strength; the cross provides atonement; the cross opens the horizons of eternal life; the cross is a sign of resurrection.
John Paul II (1920–2005) paid special attention to the issue of families during his pontificate, and even earned the title of ‘the pope of families’. During his leadership of the Roman Catholic Church (1978–2005), many cultural changes took place in the world, leading to a change in thinking and a change in the attitude towards forms of family life. The subject of this article is John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio, and its focus on the preparation for marriage, as well as various pastoral initiatives and pastoral action guidelines, which indicated long-term goals to provide assistance to people choosing family life. He understood the process of preparing for family life as a continuous three-step effort that enables a mature person to live a happy family life. He also presented the need to pay attention to supporting families after the wedding. His greatest desire was that not only Christians, but also ‘every person of good will should endeavour to save and foster the values and requirements of the family’ (John Paul II, FC, n. 86).
Šiame atvejo tyrime dalyvavo vieno Lietuvos universiteto studentai, siekiant išsiaiškinti, kokiam grįžtamajam ryšiui jie teikia pirmenybę anglų kaip užsienio kalbos paskaitose. Studentai pildė anoniminį klausimyną internete; jį sudarė atvirieji ir uždarieji klausimai apie grįžtamojo ryšio formas, tipus, šaltinius, dažnį, laiką, klaidų tipus ir kitus svarbius aspektus, tokius kaip jausmai, susiję su gaunamu grįžtamuoju ryšiu. Rezultatai atskleidė, kad studentai pageidauja dėstytojo teikiamo grįžtamojo ryšio, kai akcentuojama ne tik kalba, kurios mokomasi, bet ir su ja susijęs turinys, taip pat atliekamų užduočių procesas. Toks grįžtamasis ryšys gali būti tiek teigiamas, tiek neigiamas, pateikiamas arba angliškai, arba lietuviškai. Formos ir tipai nėra svarbūs, bet individualus grįžtamasis ryšys, teikiamas kiekvienam studentui atskirai, mėgstamas labiau nei kolektyvinis. Visos ar dažniausiai daromos klaidos turi būti taisomos arba po atliktos užduoties, arba iškart, kai klaidos padaromos.
Lyčių vaidmenų vaizdavimo žiniasklaidoje populiarumas per pastaruosius šimtmečius padidėjo. Kultūra, o ypač žiniasklaida, formuoja vyrų ir moterų vaidmenų sąvokas. Šio tyrimo tikslas – tirti kalbines ypatybes, siekiant nustatyti, kaip moterys ir vyrai vaizduojami anglų, lietuvių ir ukrainiečių žiniasklaidos tekstuose. Žiniasklaida vartoja įvairias kalbines priemones, siekdama pavaizduoti lyčių vaidmenis, pritraukti dėmesį, pakeisti skaitytojų nuomonę, paneigti arba sustiprinti stereotipus apie lyčių vaidmenis. Siekiant tai nustatyti, tyrime analizuojami įvairūs kalbiniai metodai. Šis tikslas bus pasiektas atliekant šias užduotis: išnagrinėti lyčių vaidmenų sąvoką ir lyčių stereotipų problemą; nustatyti žiniasklaidos tekstų kalbines ypatybes; analizuoti lyčių vaidmenų vaizdavimą, remiantis nustatytomis kalbinėmis ypatybėmis, žiniasklaidos tekstuose skirtingomis kalbomis.
At the end of the 19th century, the German linguist Georg Wenker began collecting linguistic material and compiling Sprachatlas des deutschen Reichs (Language Atlas of the German Empire). The atlas also included Lithuanian linguistic material from East Prussia: 61 cards with translations of 40 of Wenker’s sentences from German into Lithuanian were collected. This article presents a study of the morphological diversity of verbs in Wenker’s Lithuanian material. The aim of the study is to determine whether the variations in verb forms in the translations reflect the dialectical features of Lithuanian of East Prussia.
The idea of (un)translatability, that features of one language are too difficult to be translated into another language due to cultural differences, appeared in the Renaissance, was developed by German Romanticism, and evolved together with translation studies. The dichotomy of the term, different types and perspectives on (un)translatability, led to different definitions. Research on (un)translatability questioned whether translatability is possible, what the relationship between (un)translatability and equivalence and culture is, and whether (un)translatability has a place in modern translation studies. The questions are controversial, but the concept remains relevant to modern translation studies.
The focus of the article is the rhetorical features of Lithuanian social issue advertisements reflecting the war in Ukraine. Rhetorical discourse analysis is used to explore the rhetoric of war: the characteristic rhetorical topics and dominant narrative directions are discussed, the prevailing pattern of rhetorical argumentation is identified, and the main strategies of linguistic expression are determined. The study shows that the discourse of social issue advertisements is a reflection of today’s realities, not only conveying but also shaping societal perceptions. The rhetorical expression of the advertisements signifies the authors’ attempts to reinforce the idea of solidarity, to inspire the addressee to be an active participant in the discourse, and to make decisions that are oriented towards the public good.
In order to find out whether there is a possibility for developing environmental protection policy in Thomas Hobbes’ political theory, the publication examines Hobbes’ approach to man, biotic and abiotic nature, and their interrelationships in natural and civil states. The author of the article argues that although Hobbes does not imagine a social contract that includes irrational plants and animals, there is a possibility in his political system to represent the interests of nature, and to create environmental policy taking into account the role of the Hobbesian sovereignty in civil society.