Aim of this work is to discover the usage of foreign words in textbooks for primary schools because foreign words are more crucial components of vocabulary. As figures of statistics show there are too many of foreign words used in textbooks for children in primary classes. Teachers consider that foreign words should be included in the textbooks in a more limited amount. Yet time has come to consider young learners self-assessment as well. The main attention at the teachers’ studies courses is paid to teaching foreign methodology.
This article is aimed to describe linguistic metaphors and to reconstruct the conceptual metaphors which determine the origin of these linguistic metaphors in Tony Blair’s political discourse. Political discourse is an object of discourse analysis, which studies political language with special consideration of its contextual factors. Research into political discourse is an accelerating trend of modern linguistics that includes the findings of different branches of the humanities such as logic, philosophy, political psychology, sociology, etc.This study presents and examines conceptual metaphors and the identification of metaphorical expressions in Blair’s political texts. The majority of metaphorical expressions forms a particular system, which can be explained through their relations to conceptual metaphors – cognitive structures, existing in the sub-conscious, that determine the interpretation of the world and unfold through linguistic metaphorics.
The article presents Lithuanian culture concept priešas and the concept of Russian culture враг comparative analysis, based on 100 samples of mass-media’s discourse (in Lithuanian language and Russian language corpus). Comparison was performed via tertium comparationis: what is known as an enemy, what signs of the enemy are essential, what does enemy do, etc. Analysis showed that in Lithuanian vision the same entity can be both friend and enemy; Russian examples of similar meaning have not been found. The examples of an enemy in Russian discourse may be Great Britain, Germany, German, in Lithuanian discourse – Polish attacking groups, bolshevik. Lithuanian mass-media’s discourse 56 times more often uses word enemy than the Russian mass-media’s discourse.
The research presented in this article discusses the specificity of health discourse, which has not been described yet in Lithuanian linguistics: it is strived to substantiate the title of the discourse under analysis and present one of the possible ways of analysis. The approach to language that is close to cognitive linguistics is taken into consideration, thus it is strived to describe the fragment of health discourse with reference to the theory of metaphorical model. On the basis of the examples drawn from daily newspaper “Komjaunimo tiesa” of 1980–1989 years and daily newspaper “Lietuvos rytas” of 1990–2001 years it is compared how during more than 20 years, metaphorical WAR model has been realized in Lithuanian public discourse.
The aim of the authors is to distinguish the ethical values’ promotion opportunities in foreign language acquisition process at primary school by use of the synergy of the teacher trainers and the emerging teachers.The article focuses on the semantic lexical units reflecting ethical values in foreign language text-books and innovative practices introduced with the aim to establish their input into development of learners’ abilities, skills and competencies, emotional and aesthetic experiences, self-assessment, communication experience, creativity, comprehension and assessment of culture diversity.
The aim of the paper is to present general understanding of incorporation and to compare and contrast it in English and Lithuanian. Generally incorporated constructions are understood as constructions in which a verb and one of its arguments form a particularly tight unit. Incorporation is typical to many Siberian and North American language families. Although English and Lithuanian do not belong to them, some types of incorporation can be identified in their grammatical structure. The analysis is based on the evidence drawn from Jack London’s novel “White Fang” and its translation into the Lithuanian language. The paper analyses the cases of noun, preposition, and adjective incorporation.
This article deals with the study of Armenian anthroponymic system, particularly, with the morphological structure and etymological semantic of proper names. The aim of this article is to explore derivative models of proprial word formation in order to show the transformation of lexical units and grammatical units into proprial word formation morphemes. The question of interpretation of morphological structure of foreign proper names becomes actual by their rendering in other languages. A common rendering difficulty is caused by almost lack of any explicitly grammatical gender designation in Armenian personal names and surnames. Commen suffixes serve as proprial signals.
The present study is based on a transformational account of verb-based nominalizations that precede the suffixes -er, -or, -ee. The theoretical foundations of this study are rooted in systemic functional linguistics and generative semantics. The aim of the research is to investigate the functional potential of -er, -or, -ee nominalizations in English. This is an attempt to reveal what semantic functions the mentioned nominalizations may perform. To achieve the aim, the collected examples were analyzed by employing descriptive, transformational and descriptive statistics methods. The semantic level plays a crucial role in determining the semantic functions of the nominalizations. In its own turn the semantic potential of the nominalizations is determined by the semantic properties of the underlying verb.
Appropriateness is used here to avoid another attempt of defining translation adequacy or equivalence concepts. Search for a target language word appropriate in the target culture is regularly discussed by experts of translation studies. Usually the translatability degree depends upon the success of “transplantation” of verbally-expressed elements of source culture into the target culture’s language.Examples of translation of thematically and stylistically diverse material representing conventional areas of translation and the basic text types’ prototypology are adduced: Latvian folklore materials (dainas), conceptual and functional conformity of denominations of professions, posts and institutions with English and Latvian as source or target language, translation of puns and parodies show that problems often are caused by factors showing differences in the sociocultural context of the original and translation.Success depends upon translator’s ability to creatively extend language norms in literary translation, to narrow the interpretation scope in general language texts’ translation, to find the balance between conceptual identity and invariance in special language texts’ translation.
In the article on the basis of the comparative and typological analysis of phonetic systems of the Russian, Latvian and Lithuanian literary languages the facts of the Latvian-Russian and Lithuanian-Russian phonetic interference are systematized. The typology of the phonetic interference, offered by U. Weinreich, is used for this purpose. Four types of a phonetic interference are considered: insufficient differentiation of phonemes, superdifferentiation of phonemes, reinterpretation of distinctions, substitution of sounds. The typology forms theoretical base for forecasting of a phonetic interference.