The major for archeology of southeast Baltic of an era of Vikings are Korallenberge connected among themselves the settlement and Stangenwalde burial ground. These monuments of archeology are located in southwest part of Curonian Spit. The thesis about synchronism and communication among themselves “before - and early Ordertime” time in O. Tishler and other Prussian archeologists of the XIX century of doubt didn’t cause these two monuments. Nowadays this point of view was supported by R. A. Shiroukhov. Got by excavation on Korallenberge settlement the material allows to call into question synchronism of this settlement and a soil burial ground of Stangenwalde. The joint analysis of the finds occurring from these monuments to archeology, allows to assume that the population which has left traces in settlement activity on a platform of the settlement of the X-head of the XII centuries, buried dead on a site of a burial ground of Stangenwalde, while unknown to archeologists.