In today’s productivity-oriented culture, topics related to death, illness, and loss are avoided. However, sooner or later people fall ill, die and various losses accompany everyone’s life. These experiences come together with spiritual pain, grief, tension, anxiety, fear and anger. If not addressed properly, these feelings cause physical and mental illnesses, loss of one’s identity, psychological trauma and interfere with fulfilling relationships. Spiritual health is the most important indicator of human health and the quality of life. It is also vital to the overall health of a person and is related to the essence of a human being and to what is valued and truly cherished by a particular person. This article reveals the changes in the state of a person in the presence of a disease from a psychological and theological perspective by analysing scientific literature, interpreting and systematizing information.
The article analyses the problem of saving the unborn life in the context of crisis pregnancy. The dimension of spiritual counselling is actualised as an essential factor of integral assistance for women experiencing a crisis pregnancy. Problems of a crisis pregnancy are addressed on both personal and social levels. The most significant circumstances influencing the final decision in a crisis pregnancy are highlighted: woman’s maturity and values as well as a comprehensive specialist help comprising the aspects of both physical and spiritual assistance.