The article deals with the structural-genetic and cultural-genetic aspects of table evolution. Varieties, design features as a separate element, as well as element of the interior of the dwelling (stationary benches, mobile benches, small benches) have been analysed. The table in the Polissya dwelling performed originally a sacred-symbolic function as it was investigated in field material and written sources. Table played a role of a kind of a home altar. As a place for everyday eating table began to be used quite late. Table predecessors were stationary benches, mobile benches and small benches.
In the article, separate stages of the evolution of the cupboard («mysnyk») in the Polissia dwelling are considered. It was established that at first its functions were performed by a system structurally connected with a log-house «hriad» (decks or beams), which were gradually transformed into «hriady»-shelfs. The shelves placed on the threshold and facial walls were one of the oldest, and the initial stage of the genesis of «myshynyk», which later took their place, is connected with them. At Polissia two types of «myshynyk» has been developed: stationary – structurally associated with a log-house or «lava» (older), and mobile, mostly hinged (of a new origin).