The research presented in this article discusses the specificity of health discourse, which has not been described yet in Lithuanian linguistics: it is strived to substantiate the title of the discourse under analysis and present one of the possible ways of analysis. The approach to language that is close to cognitive linguistics is taken into consideration, thus it is strived to describe the fragment of health discourse with reference to the theory of metaphorical model. On the basis of the examples drawn from daily newspaper “Komjaunimo tiesa” of 1980–1989 years and daily newspaper “Lietuvos rytas” of 1990–2001 years it is compared how during more than 20 years, metaphorical WAR model has been realized in Lithuanian public discourse.
The present article analyses one of the fragments of naïve psychology – conceptual WAVE metaphor related to the Lithuanian language world-view. The approach to language which is close to cognitive linguistics is taken into consideration: it is referred to cognitive theory of metaphor, that allows to describe the characteristics of abstract phenomena by employing their relation to this what is concrete and understandable and what is fixed in language world-view. On the basis of the names of internal life phenomena as well as word combinations with different forms of the word wave, collected from Contemporary Lithuanian Language Corpus, those phenomena of the domains of feelings and emotions are described, which in the Lithuanian language world-view are perceived as waving.