The article focuses on short-rooted infixed and sta stem verbs attested in the works written by Samogitian authors dating back to the 16–19th century. In this article the aforementioned verbs are classified and analysed according to the type of the consonant closing the verbal root which supposedly underpins different models of their constructional alternation. The morphological structure of verbs attested in the old Samogitian scripts exhibit similar alternation models to those found in current Samogitian sub-dialects, however, there are some notable differences as well. The verbs found in old Samogitian scripts are compared to those found in Samogitian sub-dialects in order to determine the localization of alternating forms, their chronological and areal distribution as well as the tendencies and motives for their structural change. Also, an attempt is made to determine the earliest stage and localization of the use of na stem forms attested in the Samogitian written texts in question.
Straipsnyje pristatoma dviejų šiaurės žemaičių kretingiškių tarmei atstovaujančių šaltinių – „Ziwato“ (1759) ir „Purpuros isganima“ (tiksli leidimo data nežinoma) – intarpinių ir sta kamieno veiksmažodžių morfologinė struktūra. Šiuose šaltiniuose užfiksuoti intarpiniai ir sta kamieno veiksmažodžiai analizuojami morfologinės struktūros požiūriu gretinant juos su XX a. antrojoje pusėje surinktame „Kretingos tarmės žodyne“ pateiktais duomenimis ir išryškinant analizuojamų veiksmažodžių sistemos kitimus bei inovacijas. Gauti duomenys lyginami ir su kitų šiaurės žemaičių kretingiškių autorių – Motiejaus Valančiaus ir Simono Daukanto – kalbos faktais bei „Lietuvių kalbos žodyno“ duomenimis.
The article focuses on short-rooted infixal and sta stem verbs ending with sonants l, r, m, n, v, j which were attested in old Lithuanian scripts dating back to the 16–17st century and representing different written variants. The aforementioned verbs typically have a wide spectrum of constructional alternations. The morphological structure of verbs attested in the old scripts alternates similarly to those forms found in Lithuanian dialects, however, there are some notable differences as well, that is why the verbs found in old scripts are compared to those found in Lithuanian dialects and contemporary Lithuanian in order to determine the localization of alternating forms, their chronological and areal distribution as well as the tendencies and motives for their structural change.