John Paul II (1920–2005) paid special attention to the issue of families during his pontificate, and even earned the title of ‘the pope of families’. During his leadership of the Roman Catholic Church (1978–2005), many cultural changes took place in the world, leading to a change in thinking and a change in the attitude towards forms of family life. The subject of this article is John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio, and its focus on the preparation for marriage, as well as various pastoral initiatives and pastoral action guidelines, which indicated long-term goals to provide assistance to people choosing family life. He understood the process of preparing for family life as a continuous three-step effort that enables a mature person to live a happy family life. He also presented the need to pay attention to supporting families after the wedding. His greatest desire was that not only Christians, but also ‘every person of good will should endeavour to save and foster the values and requirements of the family’ (John Paul II, FC, n. 86).