The article focuses on issues of teaching/learning types of style in Lithuanian as a non-native language. The aim of the study is to analyse the provisions of the ‘Common Framework of Reference for the Teaching and Assessment of Foreign Languages’ and the content of the Aukštuma descriptor of teaching/learning Lithuanian as a foreign language through the use of qualitative methods, and to compare them with the published teaching material for adults. The study proved that, in accordance with these provisions, stylistic differentiations of language should be taught from Level B2 onwards, but very little attention is paid to this area in teaching material. Only one of the teaching resources examined provides a slightly higher number of words with stylistic differences; however, the tasks are not always formulated paying attention to the stylistic meaning of words and collocations.
Mokslinio žurnalo ,,RES HUMANITARIAE“ XXXI numeris pradedamas taikomosios ir istorinės kalbotyros tyrimais. Daivos PAGOJIENĖS ir Vaidos DRUKTEINYTĖS straipsnyje aptariamos lietuvių kalbos kaip negimtosios stiliaus mokymo(si) problemos. Taikant kokybinius metodus, analizuojamos lietuvių kaip negimtosios kalbos stiliaus mokymo(si) nuostatos „Bendruosiuose užsienio kalbos mokymo(si) ir vertinimo metmenyse“ bei lietuvių kaip svetimosios kalbos mokymo(si) turinio apraše „Aukštuma“ ir lyginama su publikuota suaugusiesiems skirta mokomąja medžiaga. Anželika SMETONIENĖ publikacijoje nagrinėja Anoniminio katekizmo (1605) priesaginius veiksmažodžius denominatyvus ir deverbatyvus, t. y. priesagų vedinius iš vardažodžių ir veiksmažodžių. Iš šio šaltinio buvo išrinktos visos priesaginių veiksmažodžių formos ir jų vediniai, nustatytas Anoniminio katekizmo deverbatyvų ir denominatyvų santykis, darybos kategorijos, priesagų dažnumas ir darumas.
Scientific journal Tiltai / Bridges / Brücken published by Klaipėda University (established in 1991) is devoted to the issues of social sciences, and seeking academic dialogue, also to other human and society functioning-related humanities and biomedical sciences, with expand and interpret different social phenomena and current issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. The publications attempts at analysing and solving actual problems of economy, management, demography, social geography, geopolitics, political sciences, history, education, religious, regional planning and land use, other social problems. Science has no borders. Therefore scientific cooperation is one of the most important elements in the progress of world’s community. Scientists from different countries of the world are kindly invited to write for and contribute to the journal.
Tiltai / Bridges is the scientifical periodical magazine, which publications, by the decision of Lithuanian Science Council, are recognized as convenient for doctoral dissertations and pedagogical scientific names.
Volume 91, Issue 2 (2023), pp. 1–18
This article offers an analysis of soft skills acquisition in children through animal training programmes within the framework of a two-year Erasmus+ project. The article overviews important aspects of shaping and introducing new approaches towards the acquisition of soft skills in children through animal training programmes. In this context, children participated in research in three countries (Lithuania, Belgium and Bulgaria), in three animal-assisted educational programmes: dolphin-assisted therapy, hippotherapy, and canine therapy. The results of the narrative analysis show a significant improvement in the skills of children, improving the quality of their relationships with themselves, with others, with animals, and with the environment. This reaffirms that exposing students to authentic, hands-on experience can significantly enhance their cognitive, social and emotional development. Moreover, the article shows that the process also increased the soft skills of teachers and of external actors involved in the process, reinforcing the importance of an open schooling approach as a way of improving all society. The article contributes to empirical evidence to support the integration of experiential learning into the pedagogical realm.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 44 (2023): Christianisation in the East Baltic: (Re)interpretations of Artefacts, Views and Accounts = Christianizacija rytiniame Baltijos regione: artefaktų, pažiūrų ir pasakojimų (re)interpretacijos, pp. 203–207
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 44 (2023): Christianisation in the East Baltic: (Re)interpretations of Artefacts, Views and Accounts = Christianizacija rytiniame Baltijos regione: artefaktų, pažiūrų ir pasakojimų (re)interpretacijos, pp. 195–201
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 44 (2023): Christianisation in the East Baltic: (Re)interpretations of Artefacts, Views and Accounts = Christianizacija rytiniame Baltijos regione: artefaktų, pažiūrų ir pasakojimų (re)interpretacijos, pp. 185–194
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 44 (2023): Christianisation in the East Baltic: (Re)interpretations of Artefacts, Views and Accounts = Christianizacija rytiniame Baltijos regione: artefaktų, pažiūrų ir pasakojimų (re)interpretacijos, pp. 169–182
The Christianisation of Lithuania is usually dated to the late 14th and early 15th centuries, but the first attempt to turn Lithuania into a Christian kingdom was made by Mindaugas. In 1251 he was baptised by the Master of Livonia Andreas de Velven (also known as von Stirland), and in 1253 was crowned King of Lithuania with the support of Pope Innocent IV. Christian (Kristijonas), the Livonian priest who taught the ruler the virtues of Christianity, a member of the Teutonic Order, became the first Bishop of Lithuania at Mindaugas’ request. It is known that Mindaugas bequeathed several lands to Christian in 1254. The article examines the background to this act of providing for the Diocese of Lithuania. The author argues that the donation of the possessions to Christian is the most important source that can help identify Mindaugas’ own domain. He hypothesises that Mindaugas’ domain may have been located south of the lands donated to Bishop Christian, in an area known in historiography as the defence line of the lower River Nemunas. In his analysis of this hypothesis, the author presents arguments that invite us to reconsider the established assertion in historiography that the domains of the senior dukes could have been located in present-day east Lithuania.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 44 (2023): Christianisation in the East Baltic: (Re)interpretations of Artefacts, Views and Accounts = Christianizacija rytiniame Baltijos regione: artefaktų, pažiūrų ir pasakojimų (re)interpretacijos, pp. 147–168
More than a hundred years of fighting between the Teutonic Order and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania have left us with a considerable amount of narrative sources that allow researchers today to imagine the language of the Christians who fought against the pagans, and to understand their beliefs and propaganda measures. One little-studied question in this regard is how the Christian narrative tradition of the 14th century portrayed miracles and divine intervention during the struggle between the Teutonic Order and Lithuania. To address this question, the author of the article focuses on the chronicles of the Teutonic Order, which represented the idea of the Crusade to the Lithuanian lands, and therefore showed a strong need to emphasise the religious aspect of the whole military conflict. At the same time, however, she also draws on other surviving documents for comparison, including Lithuanian and Ruthenian narrative sources. The author argues that the accounts of miracles and divine intervention in sources from the Teutonic Order were influenced by the nature of the Order as a religious military corporation and the chroniclers’ need to explain the campaigns to Lithuania as a holy war. It was this need that led them to place a great emphasis on the depiction of divine intervention in the campaigns of the crusaders to help them.
Journal:Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis
Volume 44 (2023): Christianisation in the East Baltic: (Re)interpretations of Artefacts, Views and Accounts = Christianizacija rytiniame Baltijos regione: artefaktų, pažiūrų ir pasakojimų (re)interpretacijos, pp. 123–146
The way the Baltic region was viewed in Christian Europe during the High and Late Middle Ages was strongly characterised by the fact that it was the land of the last pagans. Beginning with the crusade against the Wends (Polabian Slavs) in 1147, attempts to convert them in the region took the form of the Northern Crusades, authorised by the Pope. The Teutonic Order became the driving force behind these crusades from the 13th to the 15th centuries, and secured support in Christian Europe, including France. The representation of the east Baltic region, on which this article focuses, was mainly related to these crusades. The author’s aim is to provide an overview of the attitude of the French-related nobility and intellectual elite towards the Christianisation of the Baltic from the tenth to the 15th centuries, with a special focus on Lithuania. In the first half of the 14th century, many crusaders from France and neighbouring countries backed the Teutonic Order’s struggle against Lithuania. These expeditions, mostly a derivative of the crusades in the Holy Land, were seen as the epitome of the chivalric lifestyle. This view changed slowly after Grand Duke Jogaila acceded to the Polish throne in 1386 and a year later baptised the grand duchy. With the evangelisation of Žemaitija (Samogitia) in 1417, Lithuania was definitely considered a part of Christendom.